Pregnant women need a variety of nutrients to maintain the health of the mother and baby in the womb. Lack of one nutrient can have an impact on both mother and baby. Iodine deficiency during pregnancy is one of the most common conditions. However, what actually makes iodine important for pregnant women? Then, how much iodine should be fulfilled while pregnant? The effect on the baby if the mother is deficient in iodine during pregnancy Iodine is a mineral substance that plays a role in producing thyroid hormones. Meanwhile, thyroid hormone is a hormone that plays an important role in the development of the brain and body organs, children's growth, digestion and food metabolism, regulating body temperature, and controlling muscle contraction. When pregnancy arrives, iodine is responsible for brain and nerve development as well as fetal growth. With a sufficient amount of iodine, the baby's nerve cells can grow and develop properly. Conversely, lack of iodine during